

Samsung India

Samsung India sells 5 million Galaxy A phones in 70 days

"Our aim is to make Galaxy A series a $4-billion brand in India this year. We are now on track to exceed our target," Ranjivjit Singh, Chief Marketing Officer and Senior Vice-President, Samsung India, told IANS. "2019 will be a record year for us," he remarked

Samsung chide for not passing GST benefits to consumers

A Samsung India spokesperson said Samsung reduced its sales price according to GST reduction with effect from January 1, 2019. They are cooperating with DGAP on this matter. Sources said the complaint refers to only one of the company television models and that the company will reply to the notice soon.

Samsung to hire 300 engineers from IITs

Company officials from three R&D centres located in Bengaluru, Delhi and Noida, will visit the IITs at Delhi, Kanpur, Mumbai, Chennai, Kharagpur, Guwahati, Varanasi and Roorkie starting December 1.