


Jet Dilemma

India’s fighter jet procurement strategy is at a crossroads, caught between immediate operational needs and long-term self-reliance goals.

Trump threatens Russia with sanctions

US President Donald Trump on Friday threatened far-reaching sanctions against Russia until a ceasefire and a final settlement is reached with Ukraine.

Trump must be isolated

After the public spat that President Donald Trump had with President Zelenskyy of Ukraine, a few facts emerge. The American dislikes the Ukrainian intensely.

Dangers that lurk

Data gives us power, but it creates vulnerabilities of which the DarkSide and Mumbai attacks gave us a foretaste. Who would set the new world order in the digital age? Techno-autocratic nations like China and Russia or the world‘s democratic nations, the US, EU, Japan, India and others? There can be no freedom without vigilance

Like a Sieve

After initial suggestions that the leaks may have been the handiwork of Russian or pro-Russian hackers, analysts are coming around to the view that the source of the 100 plus documents and slides may in fact be an American.