


Playing with fire

Running with the hare and hunting with the hounds is an idiom that summarises Pakistan’s consistent tryst with religiosity.

Science vs religion-II

Of course, there are many shortcomings and limitations of the scientific method. Scientific knowledge alone is certainly not enough to make humans attain their full potential. The human values we live by, and questions of meaning and purpose, morality or ethics. are not amenable to hypotheses, modelling, and mathematical equations. They rely on methods that are interpretive, speculative, and philosophical.

Science vs religion-I

Like oil and water, science and religion are immiscible and belong to mutually exclusive domains without any interface. Whenever they have been attempted to be brought together, the result invariably has been confusion, conflict, and bloodshed, of which there are too many gory examples in history. Allow religion to explain the origin of theUniverse according to its own ideas, and you end up with corpses of men and women burnt at stakes.

Those Who Do~II

The real development story is an aggregate of initiatives in thousands of clusters led by extraordinary people, few of them known and the vast majority of them unknown.

Those Who Do~I

 Perhaps the best antidote to this despair is to study the examples and lives of those who have fought against the odds and succeeded.