The Punjab Vigilance Bureau (VB) has arrested Dr Amit Bansal, son of Subhash Bansal, a resident of Chandigarh, for illegal activities at his 22 de-addiction centers being run/owned by him in different parts of the state.
Accused Alka Sharma has been caught red-handed while she was accepting the bribe of Rs 30,000 and has been sent to jail on a 14-day judicial remand by the local court.
A woman assistant sub-inspector (ASI) of police was arrested by the Punjab Vigilance Bureau (VB) on Wednesday for taking a bribe of Rs 75,000.
Terming the case against him "totally political", the Congress leader alleged that the Aam Aadmi Party Government in the state was treating worse than even the Mughals.
Sources said the Vigilance Bureau has asked the Congress leader to join the investigation on Wednesday morning at 10 am.
The complainant recorded the conversation while the accused was demanding the bribe and submitted it to the VB as evidence to book the accused.
It has come to light that the accused used to file RTI queries and lodge complaints against public servants before withdrawing such applications by submitting a declaration that he didn't want to pursue the complaint.
After probing a complaint, a Punjab Vigilance Bureau team from the flying squad laid a trap and caught the accused Umardeen red handed while accepting extortion money Rs 1.50 lakh from the complainant as a second installment in the presence of two official witnesses.
A criminal case for transferring an industrial plot to a realtor company and allowing it establish township by dividing plots is registered.
Inderjit Singh Indi was absconding ever since his name cropped up in the multi crore transportation tender scam in the grain markets of the state.