


Students’ body condemns police action

AIDSO demanded for punishment of all the guilty police officers, including the OC of Midnapore Kotwali women's police station involved in the brutal atrocities committed in police custody of students, who supported the college-university student strike.

Mother-daughter found dead in Madhyamgram

A mother and her six-year-old daughter were found dead in their rented house in Madhyamgram. The incident occurred on Friday night, and the police are investigating the cause of death.

Police inspector suspended in MP over custodial death of Dalit man

The inspector of a police station has been suspended with immediateeffect after the suspicious death of a Dalit man inside the policestation and consequent protest against the police by the familymembers and villagers of the deceased in the Dewas district of MadhyaPradesh.