


Celebrating Youth

The world is currently facing a multifaceted civilizational crisis, characterized by social, economic, and environmental challenges. This crisis demands a revitalized approach to addressing the complexities of modern society.

The passionate scientist with a rebellious mind

Nineteenth century India witnessed tremendous contributions of several Indian luminaries in the fields of science, arts, literature, business, philosophy, and many others. There was a wealth of knowledge.

Jayadeva’s Genius~I

Jayadeva (c1170 ~ c1245 CE), the 12th century legendary Sanskrit poet, has been one of the greatest classical poets and singers of India. Like Kalidasa, his life is also shrouded in mystery and few authentic accounts are available about his life and work.

Philosophy of Knowledge

Philosophy is primarily concerned with man, nature and God. It asks numerous questions regarding their essential identities. In other words, its purpose is to examine the truth behind the temporal as well as the transcendental reality, of which these three are varied expressions. As this is a subject of intuitive knowledge, it is called Darshan in India

Power of Forgiveness

In the past, discussions concerning forgiveness were typically relegated to the domain of religion. But in recent times, forgiveness has …