


Top 10 ideas to celebrate International Dog Day

The day is dedicated to creating awareness about the exploitation of dogs at the hands of dog breeders and ‘puppy mills’ and how their number is increasing in shelters, where they are ill-treated.

4 tips to make Holi safe and fun for your pets

As irritated as they may be, it is best to keep your pets at home on this day, foregoing walks or outdoor time in favour of ensuring they have a safe, quiet corner that is comfortable and familiar to them. All of the loud noises and people outside can be very overwhelming for them, so they should always have at least one familiar member of their family keeping them company

B-Town turns to pals with paws to battle lockdown blues

The actress, who is a pet parent of five dogs, added: It's unreal to experience the joy they bring to our lives. They're all equally competitive and territorial about our love, and all of us in the family compete to be their favourites."

Pets eased children’s loneliness in lockdown: Study

"There are proven benefits to having pets in the classroom when it comes to improving children's confidence, focus and reducing their stress, but this survey shows that pets also played an important part in helping children emotionally as they come to terms with this unprecedented time away from their peers."

Pets linked to better human health

The fact that they do not judge you materialistically but your ability to share and love others make them a crucial part of your mental and emotional health.