


Amazon UK trains Alexa to offer advice on periods

In a bid to encourage more families to have open conversations around menstruation, Amazon UK has trained its virtual assistant technology Alexa on how to give advice to manage periods, the e-commerce company said.

Yes, you can work out on your period

It starts on the first day of the period and ends when the next one begins. It's primarily divided into the follicular phase and luteal phase but also consists of the ovulation phase.

Periods and your fitness routine

Most young girls who want to pursue a career in sports drop the idea of becoming a sportsperson in their adolescence only because of the onset of menstruation.

5 ways to debloat when you have your periods

Under the effect of progesterone hormone, our body retains excess water, which happens every month just prior to periods. We can avoid breast tenderness and belly bloating during these days by following a few rules