


Human Rights Omission

The pandemic claimed countless victims across India for several months now. It was expected, once the lethal effects of the Wuhan virus were known. Till such a time as a vaccine was discovered, all were helpless.

Dangers lurk

Of particular concern were the years when Jair Bolsanaro ruled the country, when his government rolled back environmental regulations. This resulted in widespread destruction of bat habitats

The Antagonistic Indian

Hate speech, though highly distasteful, is the manifestation of a deep-rooted problem. Currently, a permanent state of anger seems to be the norm for many of us. We often see people who are constantly putting others down, criticizing everything, and making cynical comments, face-to-face or on social media harming their social relations in the bargain. Mostly, such cynical and hostile behaviour arises out of one's inability to deal with the problems of modern life. This dormant anger spikes stress levels, harming the angry person much more than the object of anger