


Trapped Refugees

The forced deportation of Afghan refugees from Pakistan underscores the grim reality faced by displaced populations who find themselves at the mercy of shifting political priorities.

Imagery recedes, but flood waters haven’t

There’s something surreal about party politics appearing as business as usual while large swathes of Pakistan remain submerged in floodwater. The spectacle of jalsas, party representatives bickering at press conferences, and social media swipes over pictures taken or not taken at a multilateral diplomatic event seems to have no relationship to any actual country.

Outcomes at Samarkand

Currently China is undergoing an economic slowdown, global pressures on its debt trap BRI and challenges in the Taiwan strait, while Russia is under sanctions for its Ukrainian invasion, where it faces setbacks. India, on the other hand, has grown in stature, its economy has rebounded and its balanced approach in foreign policy is globally acknowledged.