


Trapped Refugees

The forced deportation of Afghan refugees from Pakistan underscores the grim reality faced by displaced populations who find themselves at the mercy of shifting political priorities.

Delhi’s options

Former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan’s confrontation with the military establishment has now devolved into an existential, zero-sum fight between arguably the country’s most popular politician and its most powerful institution. Mr Khan, once the military’s favourite

Pakistan opens barter trade with Afghanistan, Iran & Russia

In another step to release pressures on dwindling foreign exchange reserves, Pakistan has opened up barter trade with Afghanistan, Iran and Russia for certain items including petroleum, LNG, coal, wheat, pulses, minerals, metals, and several food items.

Can Bengal divide be bridged?

Growing up in and around Kolkata during the post-independence era I was aware of two distinct segments in Bengali society – the “Ghotis” and the “Bangals”. Bangals referred to all Bengalis who moved to India from East Bengal around the time of partition while the Ghotis were the natives of West Bengal.