


Benefits of an Indian undergrad education

I was surprised to learn that, according to an Oxford index tracking global student mobility, 69 per cent of Indian students who want to study abroad consider the US to be the most desirable destination.

Striving for truth

Delivering the Hibbert lecture at Manchester College, Oxford in 1929, Dr S Radhakrishnan said “religion today is a branch of statecraft, a plaything of politics.”

Tagore as Gurudev

The Oxford English dictionary defines ‘Guru’ as a “Hindu spiritual teacher. Also, each of the ten first leaders of the Sikh religion. The word comes from Sanskrit meaning ‘weighty’, ‘grave', hence 'elder, teacher’’. It must be the third sentence of this definition that must have irked Rabindranath Tagore.

Barrier breaker

Time, inevitably, will re-write sports’ record books. Yet there are some feats that retain an aura that will outlive entries…