

Oxford English Dictionary

Bureaucratised Society

The power of patronage, lack of accountability and corruption, which are the bane of bureaucracy, often inspire young men and women in India to join it. Additionally, the hierarchy in the Indian Government is such that the scientist, doctor, engineer and the technocrat all work under the bureaucrat

Language bugs

Not that these are value additions to the English language, but the lexicon may yet serve as a brief introduction to medical history in the first half of the 21st century.

Recyled waste could buy Microsoft

On December 18, we announced the winner: 90.5 per cent, the amount of plastic that has never been recycled. Okay – but why is that such a big deal?

The importance of English

English as a language may not be native to India but there are certainly more English speakers in India than in Britain. Knowledge of English in our country symbolises better education and greater sophistication. In our multilingual country English is popular in almost all the regions.