


Hydropower Diplomacy

Nepal’s expanding energy exports to India signal a pivotal shift in South Asian regional cooperation, particularly in the energy sector.

Lacking support, Nepal’s tea refuses to grow

Lack of adequate and regular training and facilitation has always acted as a motivational dampener to tea farmers. For a long time, due to lack of Nepal's own independent home brand names, most of the tea that is exported to India is sold under other brand names.

Cartographic adventures prolong disputes

The Mahendramala Generation of Nepalis, born after the putsch of 1960 and the call of King Birendra that his realm be declared a ‘Zone of Peace’, consumed the propaganda of the Cold War era as a part of its education. This cohort continues to wallow in the puddle of the political cant that sovereignty, jingoism, chauvinism and xenophobia are somehow higher values than the humanitarian agenda of advancing equality, fraternity, liberty and secularity in society

Myths that keep sustain Nepal’s story

In the last 50 years, compared to its neighbours, Nepal has achieved very little in terms of economic progress, science and political order, the indicators of a modern developing nation. Due to the government’s incompetence and corruption, a vast majority of the so-called “Pride Projects” have become technical, financial and management albatrosses for the country.