


Mein Kampf is 100; still inspires hate

A hundred years ago, Adolf Hitler penned Mein Kampf while imprisoned after his failed Beer Hall Putsch of 1923. What started as a bitter and selfjustifying political tract went on to shape one of the most catastrophic ideologies in human history.

In defiance

In a provisional order delivered on January 26, the ICJ ruled that at least some of Israel's actions in Gaza amount to genocide.

Use loot to set up a karuna-virus fund

Switzerland has been a haven for hiding wealth for centuries, at least since the 18th century. In 1934, the Swiss banking secrecy was codified through passing its Federal Act on Banks and Savings Banks.

Living in denial

Holocaust denier David Irving spoke alongside other antiSemitic conspiracy theorists at a secret meeting of the “neo-Nazi, white supremacist” London…