


STEM edge

Indian STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) graduates have long been a cornerstone of the US H-1B visa programme.

Saha in Politics

The period between 1850 and 1950 is considered one of the most fertile periods of fundamental science. On the other hand, it was a critical time in the evolution of social consciousness worldwide since it witnessed two World Wars.

Pathways to education

Current educational pathways are not leading to sufficiently educated students with proper understanding of science, mathematics, geography and other subjects.

Glorious India~II

Even after the decline of the golden period of the Gupta empire, great works of art, architecture and culture continued to flourish at four corners of India from the sixth century till the thirteenth century when invaders consolidated their rule on the holy land and stopped the festival of indigenous arts and cultural activities

Nationalism and the idea of India

Conversely, in the present scenario, the idea of nationalism propagated by Tagore might be deemed controversial as we are witnessing various narratives of nationalism which are stringent in their outlook and do not want to compromise with their set idea or version of nationalism.

Useful games for children

These platforms have adapted to the new trend and are providing gamified learning solutions to students to grab more with ease.