

Margaret Thatcher

Democracy in decline

The only way to remedy democracy’s imperfections is to have more democracy, not less. Democracy building is never easy. Today people have better access to tools and hence more expectations. We are 21st century citizens but we have 19th century institutions underpinned by even older processes and ideas. Democracy needs constant institution building. Today, it needs a new institutional imagination

How Britain got Boris

The Tory vote on average increased 6 per cent in Leave constituencies. Brexit inflated into a vision of salvation for deeply embittered people. Today, Remainers blame Corbyn for an outcome they themselves were most culpable for. The turning point was not Corbyn's programme but his concession to Remainers. Every UK newscast now consists of overpaid anchors blaming Corbyn alone, whose programme their bosses want to rub out. Boris Johnson, effete and elite, is appointed saviour of the working class. Call this dispiriting election result a BBC production and you wouldn't be far wrong.

Post Privatisation

In the US and the UK, privatisation is barreling in opposite directions. President Trump unveiled a national infrastructure programme that…