


Addressing gaps in Under-5 child nutrition in India

Malnutrition is known to affect the cognitive development and future earning potential of children. To ensure reduction in chronic child undernutrition (stunting) and prevent adverse impact on growth and lifelong development of a child.

Stunted children

Malnutrition has an irreversible effect on health and human development. The first Golden 1000 Days of a child’s life are a unique period of opportunity when the foundations of optimum health, growth, and neurodevelopment across the lifespan is established.

Nutritional insecurity

The link between nutrition and economics has been analyzed by economists since a long time. The notion that poverty causes malnutrition dates back at least to Adam Smith and income is still the main explanatory variable in most contemporary attempts to explain poor nutrition.

Endemic deprivation

The malnutrition paradox is that there are some countries that have become economic powerhouses with persistently high numbers of malnourished children, while other countries with low levels of national income have shown an appreciable progress in combating malnutrition by investing in cost-effective, proven interventions that ensure children's access to proper nutrition.