

Mahatma Gandhi

Unfinished Agenda

Mahatma Gandhi, the greatest man of the twentieth century, often talked about poverty. For the prophet of non-violence, poverty was the worst form of violence.

From defeat to hero~II

When the AICC met Subhas was in the peculiar situation of being the president without a Working Committee. Realising its untenability, Subhas had no choice but to resign, proving MN Roy's observation of the Congress being Gandhi’s Congress as correct. Subhas unlike Nehru did not want to compromise at the cost of his principles and sensibilities

Ecology and Economics

The underlying assumption is that if the environment is treated as a commodity and given a price, this will create a market for environmental factors. And depending on the demand and supply for environmental goods, a price will be attached to each one.

Myth and Mahatma

The biggest myth about non-violent action is the idea that Gandhi invented it and he is often called 'the father non-violence'. Well, he did raise ahimsa action to a level never achieved before him, but he was not its author or inventor