


57 pc of global leprosy cases from India

Doctors say that early detection, raising awareness, and upskilling the healthcare workers to test through modern methods is something WHO and countries affected by leprosy are working on

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Today, the objectives of this programme are: To reduce Prevalence Rate to less than 1/10,000 population at subnational and district level, To ensure ‘Zero Grade II’ disability percentage among new cases at National level/Ensure ‘Zero GradeII’ disability cases per million population at National level, To achieve ‘Zero’ disabilities among new pediatric cases (children between 0-14 years) Zero stigma and discrimination against persons affected by leprosy.

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India has more than three million people with deformities caused by leprosy. They are relegated to the margins of society and feel neglected and unwanted, living mostly in 750-odd leprosy colonies.