


Synergy in Learning~I

There was no apparent contradiction between the scientific truth and non-scientific faith, and hence no need to isolate one from the other. Until modern science dawned with Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Newton and the others in the Middle Ages, no clear discrimination was preferred between philosophy and science. The fact that the social sciences could not take a clear shape and suffered an identity crisis was also responsible for the non-division

Back to school

The immediate trigger for the decision, despite fears of a third wave appears to have been the report of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Education, Women and Children last month which underlined that the indefinite closure of schools had disrupted the social fabric

Camp K12 raises $12 mn in funding round

Camp K12 connects students in the 5-18 age group across the globe with teachers for live, interactive online courses across essential skill categories such as coding and English.