

Latin America

AMLO’s moment

A member of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the third richest country in Latin America in PPT per capita terms, Mexico indubitably is a rising middle power.

Utopia reborn

“Progress is realization of utopia”, so believed Oscar Wilde. Utopia is no flight of infancy; it is the roadmap of the future and the lifeblood of societal change.

Politics of no-politics

Every land has its tragedy. Europe has both class and nation, the United States has race and Latin America has its politics ~ the politics of anti-politics. Some tragedies are, of course, alluring. But tragedies are also what Aristotle calls “an imitation of an action that is admirable.”

Revolution interrupted?

Latin America is a land of endless dreams and imaginations. It tends to believe if you have no imagination, you…

Songs of Protest

Today, country after country in Latin America has been out on the streets against growing poverty, frustration with non-performing models of governance, unrest on campus and environmental depredations. Many protesters are using their bodies as a political act