


Restrictive step that will alienate many

In a move that is bound to reignite debates over national identity, immigration, and inclusivity, US President Donald Trump has signed an executive order declaring English as the official language of the United States.

What the world can learn from India

India is a very unique country. Even though the country is divided into multiple states, each with its own language, food, attire and local culture, and run by autonomous governments, it has not only survived peacefully but flourished over the past 76 years as the largest democracy in the world.

Language and Thinking~I

This election season we have heard so many harsh words and invectives used by political parties and leaders against one another that they have almost lost the power to hurt our sensibilities.

Question of Auqaat

Urdu is a subcontinental language of refinement, politeness, and sophisticated undertones.

Bridges to our knowledge

Away from seminars and conferences can we remember when was the last time we participated in an informal discussion about the role of a translator? We often exchange thoughts and ideas with friends, colleagues and acquaintances after coming in close proximity with some of the best literature of the world.