

Karl Marx

Connecting with Nehru~I

Although Nehru’s life at Cambridge was quite sedate and uneventful, the intellectual environment of the university stimulated his mind. Nehru was exposed to the Fabian socialism of Bernard Shaw and the ideas of Karl Marx, both of whom influenced him profoundly in forming his political views.

Engels Revisited

The proletariat had become the majority, he argued, and the prospect of taking power by electoral means, through universal suffrage, made it possible to defend revolution and legality at the same time

Of Ideology

With the emergence of secularism and the advent of nationhood, nationalism sprouted, which was a construct beyond merely the monarchy. Meanwhile, at the economic level, capitalistic ideas grew along with the establishment of manufacturing and factories

Communist Parties

A particular strength of the communists has been that many party members are educated. Could they not promote their electoral prospects by running schools and colleges? They could also do other forms of social service such as running hospitals, dispensaries and nursing homes

Philosophy of Religion

The Abrahamic religions, we have seen, are deductive in their logic. They begin with a premise and work downwards. On the other hand, the Hindu view is inductive in its logic, which moves from facts on the ground upwards till it reaches a conclusion. Hinduism does not have a book as its fountain of belief, there is no premise and therefore no corollaries which a follower can refer to, or a commandment or guidance.

Solzhenitsyn is 100

Solzhenitsyn was acutely aware that fascism, Nazism or totalitarianism are all examples of gigantic collective power to ensure that the people cannot defend themselves. If anybody wants to fight against the lies of the administration, he should start fighting against the ‘lies in himself‘.

Mao to Ma!

Jack Ma, China’s richest man and the guiding force behind its biggest e-commerce company, has been inducted as a member of the country’s pivotal entity called the Communist Party of China.