


Identity & Nationalism

Of the other two supranational forces, Judaism has lasted long, although at a shrinking pace. Islam, on the other hand, has shown all signs of vigour, although along the way, it has aroused a great deal of resentment. By now, it has clashed with non-Muslims on all the continents of the globe except South America. Muslims have made Europe almost an embattled continent.

Democracy & Intolerance

It does not help matters that the ruling dispensation has a very thin skin. Anyone not supporting the Government is seen as an enemy. The Government cannot countenance anyone holding a view different from their own, a dangerous trend because economists and civil servants are appointed to give unalloyed advice. Of course, the Government is free to reject any advice tendered to it but shooting the messenger delivering unpleasant tidings is not expected of a mature government.

Philosophy of Religion

The Abrahamic religions, we have seen, are deductive in their logic. They begin with a premise and work downwards. On the other hand, the Hindu view is inductive in its logic, which moves from facts on the ground upwards till it reaches a conclusion. Hinduism does not have a book as its fountain of belief, there is no premise and therefore no corollaries which a follower can refer to, or a commandment or guidance.

A Visit to Kashmir~II

In the highly nuanced political discourse in the Kashmir Valley, one factor that is often overlooked is the rapid indoctrination, radicalisation, Arabisation and Islamisation of a liberal Kashmiri society which had carefully nurtured a syncretic Sufi tradition throughout history and achieved a rare assimilation between Shaivism and Islam, making the society a truly liberal, secular and progressive one.