


Inequities embedded in transplant regime

Further, “organ recipients also have to be on immunosuppressive drugs for the rest of their lives, and that can cost anything between Rs 10,00 and Rs 15,000” and this can again be prohibitively expensive for the poor.

Now, let’s tackle pandemic of inequality

Estimates suggest that more than 820 million informal workers and over 70 million children in low-income households have been denied access to adequate income and education since the outbreak. Even more worryingly, this will leave long-term scars on economic productivity and learning, harming the future earning potential of those already marginalised.

Does inequality matter?

After the Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation (LPG) push of 1991, GDP started rising, often growing at more than 7 per cent annually, accompanied by a concomitant rise in inequality. The share of the top 10 per cent in the country‘s income, that was around 50 per cent at the time of Independence and around 35 per cent in 1990, rose to 57 per cent in 2021

A global summit on inequality needed

Between 1995 and 2021, the top one per cent wealthiest people in the world captured 38 per cent of the growth in global wealth, whereas the bottom 50 per cent had a pitiful 2 per cent share.

Inequality in two nations

Russia and China, two nations appreciated the world over for their successful mission towards an egalitarian society during the socialist regime, are now the victims of severe income disparity.

Revolution that failed

“Revolutions are the locomotives of history”, said Marx. For Venezuela, that locomotive has now stopped moving altogether. Characterized by extreme…