Laws that help
Active citizenry is a Constitutional duty, says Srinivas Madhav
Active citizenry is a Constitutional duty, says Srinivas Madhav
The parliamentary debate on the Indian Constitution has reignited critical discussions about the country's foundational values, its historical trajectory, and its future direction.
He said the Constitution Museum will inspire future generations. "We will celebrate Constitution Day on 26th November, with programmes being organised in all colleges, universities, and educational institutions.
Even in the fourth chapter, Dhankhar said ''5,000 years ago, there was Kurukshetra and Lord Krishna preached Arjun. All this was present in our Constitution".
Acitizen of a nation is obligated to face justice when his or her personal conduct or commercial activities are deemed to be in opposition to domestic legislation or the rights of another individual.
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed…
People from all walks of life paid rich tributes to Bharat Ratna Dr B. R. Ambedkar - the Chief Architect of the Indian Constitution - marking his 132nd birth anniversary here on Friday.
As part of its effort to provide an ethical labor market to foreign firms in 1991, India adopted the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1992.
Questions should be raised about the trials of around two lakhs prisoners associated with the INA led by Netaji, he said. “What happened to those put on trial? How were the INA prisoners treated, penalized or executed? The Centre should honestly address these questions,” said the former head of National Archives.
One can understand, to an extent, that politicians would want to shut out those who seem inconvenient to the well-settled interests to which they are committed. But the courts, that are the guardians of the constitutional rights of citizens? Well, we expect something different from them.