

Healthy skin

Is your skin summer-ready?

As the weather gets warmer and the sun shines brighter, it is also the time to shake up your skincare routine a little bit.

Secret tricks for silky-smooth hands

After finishing off the day’s work, wash your hands with gentle soap and pat dry. Take a dollop of petroleum jelly and massage your hands for 30 seconds. Slip-on a pair of old, clean cotton socks and go off to bed. You will wake up the next morning with baby soft hands.

Awesome home remedies for dead and dry skin in winter

Cold air, dry indoor heat, low humidity levels, and harsh winter wind can all zap your skin with moisture. This can leave your skin looking a lot less radiant than normal — not only your face, but also your hands, feet, and other areas exposed to the elements.

Before you use a new skincare product

Sensitive skin type people should opt for products with Vitamin C which can soothe and heal irritated skin. While purchasing or selecting a product, always make sure that you give the ingredients list a read.