

health and wellness

Consider this if you have a family history of oral cancer

It includes malignancy of the vermillion borders of the lips and all surfaces of the oral cavity including the anterior two-thirds of the tongue. These cancers occur predominantly as squamous cell carcinomas, and are highly lethal, incapacitating, and disfiguring.

Know about your greens: Benefits of Green beans

Green beans are abundant in Vitamin K, which activates osteocalcin which is the main non-collagen protein found in bones. This compound locks calcium molecules together inside the bone, strengthening them from within. 

Low On Protein? Add Chickpeas To Your Diet

As a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber, chickpeas may offer a variety of health benefits, such as aiding weight management, improving digestion, and reducing your risk of disease.

Some easy self-care tips to boost your mental health

Take care of yourself by managing your stress levels, getting enough sleep, staying active, and eating healthy. These are important actions to take to improve your overall health and maintain mental wellness.