


Defying Odds

In a world constantly inundated with dire predictions, Russia’s economy emerges as a beacon of resilience, defying naysayers and rewriting the narrative of impending doom.

The sliding rupee

Although depreciation of the currency makes imported goods expensive, and foreign travel and fees for studying abroad become costly, it is an erroneous presumption that absence of a strong currency is necessarily bad.

New frontier

While it is true that the information space in Africa is being targeted by Moscow, it is by no means the only player doing so.

Can the world unlearn helplessness?

According to new data from the Munich Security Index 2022, based on public-opinion surveys in the G7 countries and the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa), those who agree with the statement that they feel helpless in the face of global events constitute the largest group in all the countries polled