


Fragile Restraint

Developments in volatile southern Lebanon have highlighted a significant moment of restraint in a landscape often defined by its cycles…

Breaking the Cycle

The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas has reached another critical juncture, with recent airstrikes in Gaza resulting in the loss of civilian lives, including children.

Iran’s message resonates with Muslims

Iran’s leadership has been a direct beneficiary of the months-long war in Gaza. With every missile that Israel fires on Gaza, every US veto of a UN Security Council ceasefire resolution, and every arrest of an anti-war protester on American university campuses, Iran’s rejection of the US-dominated world order gains more credibility in the Muslim world.

Ceasefire Talks

The recent developments in ceasefire negotiations between Israel and Hamas have sparked both hope and scepticism. As the conflict in Gaza nears its seventh month, the urgency to reach a resolution has intensified, fuelled by mounting international pressure and the looming spectre of further violence.