


Renewal of democracy

In his latest book On Freedom, Yale historian Timothy Snyder provocatively asserts that “some Americans want to be tyrants.” The statement, while challenging, invites strict scrutiny regarding its implications for American society and its ongoing democratic challenge in the age of Donald Trump.

Gandhi on Women~I

In his message to the All India Women’s Conference in 1936, Gandhi’s views on the issue of women’s freedom and strength in the struggle to build a humane and exploitation-free society was reflected.

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Educational levels and moral values are on the decline. Addiction to prescription drugs is destroying an entire generation. The economic divide between the rich and the poor has continued to get wider; mansions and condos have replaced uniform housing developments for the middle class.

Freedom to Hope

 The thickening forest of uplifted arms demanding Azadi threatens, like in Shakespeare's Macbeth, the castle of the Indian democracy.

Women in Islam

It is true that in societies trapped in poverty, illiteracy and ignorance, women continue to receive abominable and oppressive treatment. But then, this is true of all societies. Muslims cannot be singled out for such a flawed social order. This distortion, however, should not deflect our focus from some path-breaking and stellar contributions of Muslim women not just to Islamic civilization but the secular society as well