

European Union

EU unveils plan to boost competitiveness

The European Commission presented the Competitiveness Compass, a strategic blueprint aimed at restoring the European Union (EU)'s economic edge and driving technological leadership as it seeks to close the gap with the US and China.

German divide~II

The AfD when founded in 2013 had the reputation of being an old man’s club dissatisfied with Angela Merkel’s fiscal and foreign policies.

Migration crisis

In the east, the focus of the recent Russian offensive, carrying women, children, elderly people and many with reduced mobility to safer territory in the west was the priority this week.

Tools of trade

 The Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law states that if foreign entities implement sanctions that hurt China, they can be subjected to penalties.

Hope for Hungry

The comity of nations must now hope that hunger and starvation will eventually be addressed amidst the clash of shields and wartime rhetoric.

Chinese checkers

Pandemic-induced supply chain disruptions as well as global semiconductor shortages have brought home to the EU the need for like-minded, reliable partners.