


The Glass Ceiling

US exceptionalism is reflected in a number of ways with important political ramifications. The electoral college and the composition of the Senate violates the modern democratic principle of majority rule.

Neglected again

A nation’s strength is not just measured in its economic growth figures but in the quality of life it ensures for its people.

Unlocking Potential

India’s demographic dividend ~ a young and expanding workforce ~ has long been touted as its greatest economic strength.

Reservations in HE

There was a time ~ not very long ago ~ when the term higher education, (HE) meant chiefly teaching educational programmes at higher (post-secondary) levels in diverse disciplines and academic research conducted in higher educational institutions such as colleges and universities funded, in large part, by the state for promotion and cultivation of such precious public goods as scientific (original) inventions, new knowledge, new theoretical/ analytical discovery and insights into major dimensions of human history, society, arts and culture.