


Services Surge

India’s services sector, which has assumed a key role in its economy, continues to demonstrate remarkable resilience, with growth accelerating to a five-month high in August.

Jobs and exports

India's economic growth has been remarkable in recent years, earning it the title of the world's fastest-growing major economy. Yet, beneath this headline success lies a significant challenge: job creation.

Manufacturing Dip

India’s manufacturing sector, a key pillar of the nation’s economic growth, is showing signs of a slowdown, raising concerns about the trajectory of the broader economy.

Bank of England warns of longest recession in 100 yrs

The Bank of England has warned the UK risked being plunged into the longest recession in 100 years after it pushed up the cost of borrowing to 3 per cent in the biggest single interest rate rise since 1989.

India set to become world’s third-largest economy by 2030: Morgan Stanley

The report titled 'Why This Is India's Decade' looked at the trends and policies shaping the future of India's economy. The four global trends -- demographics, digitalization, decarbonization, and deglobalization are favouring what it termed as New India, the report said. It said India would drive a fifth of global growth through the end of this decade.

Institutions and Economy~I

Economists worldwide would agree that differences in institutions serve as the main determinants of prosperity among countries. There is also enough empirical evidence to show that some countries undergo political transitions and reform their institutions to move into enduring paths of economic development.