

East India Company

Bhaugulpoor Tales

As East India Company rule grew and Diwani rights came to be enforced, Paharias and Santhals found themselves without their right to live in the forest areas, nor get the advantage of forest produce. In due course of time, they became rebellious. In 1784, the Company began their crackdown on the tribals, those original inhabitants of forests whom we today speak of as the Adivasis

Recurrent deceptions

East Bengalis never realised that Urdu would be the national language of their new homeland and their beloved Bengali would become the language of their backyard. Jinnah had indeed sold them a mad dream that ended up dividing the Indian ummah into three. If only the Qaid had let them be, an undivided India would be today 40 per cent Muslim with the Prime Minister being always a momin. This was the biggest deception.