


The semantics of climate change

As a child growing up in the early 1990s, I remember learning in school about the greenhouse effect. Carbon dioxide released by burning fossil fuels traps heat near the Earth’s surface, like the glass of a greenhouse.

Ecological Migrants~I

Recent snapshots of our living earth relayed by satellites above have undoubtedly been among the most dramatic images ever encountered by humans. Earlier images, in comparison, would have much smaller areas of barren rocks and urban sprawl; much more extensive tree cover.

Unstoppable Warming

The latest data on global temperatures is more than just a series of alarming statistics. It’s a clarion call that humanity can no longer afford to ignore. July 2024 marked the second hottest month of July in history, a stark reminder that the Earth is undergoing a profound and rapid transformation, much of it driven by human activity.

Crisis Escalates

As Earth continues to spiral into a climate crisis, the recent revelation of March 2024 marking the 10th consecutive month of record-breaking heat should serve as an unignorable wake-up call.

Hunger Myths

There is a knotty problem of defining hunger, subjectively and objectively, and differentiating it from starvation on the one hand and malnutrition on the other. Hunger literally means the physiological desire to consume food. But this subjective definition does not lead automatically to an understanding of the extent of food deprivation.

Plea to save Mother EARTH

I am referring to the time earlier when Darjeeling was in its pristine state. During the time when Darjeeling was described as a lovely, beautiful forested land, when she was worthy of being called the 'Queen of Hills' … Darjeeling's corrugated hills were beautiful until they were touched by the corrupt minds of humans.

Spiritual Growth

With self-control, we can avoid many troubles and pitfalls of human life. With control over our mind, we can control our senses just as intractable and recalcitrant horses are better controlled by a seasoned charioteer. However, we shall ever remain mired in the morass of spurious allurements unless we awaken ourself to know our genuine 'Self'.