

Donald Trump

How CCP is architecting a new world order

CCP is positioning itself not just as a regional power but as the central player in an emerging new world order. With every move, Beijing is sending a clear signal: the era of Western dominance is drawing to an end, and China's moment has arrived.

Washington is putting Europe in its place

The Ukraine Defence Contact Group (UDCG) was the first event on European soil for the new Donald Trump administration followed closely by the Munich Security Conference.

Change topic, deflect focus

Given the inherent chicanery, deceit and deviousness of intent involved in Whataboutery, it is the favoured means of those who seek to hide their own misdoings and lack of credible answers. Authoritarian leaders who typically slam all forms of opposition voices and democratic concerns, are naturally drawn towards Whataboutery than essentially democratic, open and honest political leaders. In modern democracies the wave of uber-nationalistic fervour has ensured that democracies are now led by the likes of nationalistic leaders like Shinzo Abe, Boris Johnson, Recep Erdogan, Scott Morison, Benjamin Netanyahu etc.

Biden vs Sanders

Having suffered the second major setback in as many weeks, Sanders has conceded that Tuesday was “not a good night” for his candidacy.