


Reset in Ties~I

After winning four successive elections in 2008, 2014, 2018 and 2024 in Bangladesh, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was forced by mass protests to resign and flee to India on 5 August 2024.


Agreeing and disagreeing with each other’s political position is essential in a healthy democracy.

Renewal of democracy

In his latest book On Freedom, Yale historian Timothy Snyder provocatively asserts that “some Americans want to be tyrants.” The statement, while challenging, invites strict scrutiny regarding its implications for American society and its ongoing democratic challenge in the age of Donald Trump.

Empowering youth for political engagement

Since the founding of the Republic of India, it has maintained the status of a vibrant democracy and is widely regarded as one of the most stable countries in the region.

Wake-Up Call

In an era marked by a perpetual struggle for democracy, the recent findings of a comprehensive study shed light on a disquieting reality: global scepticism regarding the fairness of elections and a disturbing inclination towards strong, undemocratic leadership.

China’s democracy

Most East Asian and Southeast Asian countries chose to become economically fit for democracy. India provided a contrasting model.