


Maritime Sabotage

The recent discovery of a damaged power cable on the Baltic seabed, linked to a vessel from a shadow fleet, underscores an alarming trend of maritime sabotage targeting critical infrastructure.

Covid Talk

Communication was important to Covid patients always. When the disease was in its disastrous phase, many patients were too sick to use mobiles.

Korean Hotline

Pyongyang has a record of unilaterally suspending the hotline on whim and then reactivating it when it needs to improve relations with its southern neighbour.

Transparent mask raises comprehension of speech by 10%: Study

"The difference of 10 percentage points (between the latter two averages) is statistically significant. This benefit applies to more than just comprehension: the participants also felt more self-confident and were able to follow what was said with less effort when the see-through mask was used,"