


Requiem for Science?

We must stick to science when science gets political. Scientists claim that the endeavour of science is the ultimate pursuit of truth.

Winston and Boris

Derision and criticism have poured in from all quarters, as the official Covid toll stands at over 1,50,000 deaths in the UK, and the poorly worded defence by Boris Johnson‘s secretary, ‘we thought it would be nice to make the most of the lovely weather‘, has only added to the insensitivity of entitlement, disdain, and revelry, as displayed by 10 Downing Street

Gun & Little Red Book

In the 20 years of Mao Zedong's leadership from 1936 to 1955, he personified a "valuepack" of talented leaders who willingly surrendered their personal ego to the glorification of the man. There was no defection, no open quarrel, no power struggle — a phenomenon seldom witnessed anywhere in the world, and certainly unknown in China's history