


Island Fortification

India’s strategic interests in the Indian Ocean have increasingly come into sharp focus, particularly in light of developments concerning the Andaman and Nicobar Command (ANC).

Chinese Dilemma

India’s decision to maintain stringent restrictions on Chinese investments, despite some high-level support for easing these measures, underscores the delicate balance between economic interests and national security concerns.

Religion and Science~I

Overwhelmed and overawed by unexplained natural phenomena thunderstorms, rains, earthquakes, droughts and diseases, early humans conjured the supernatural events being conducted by supernatural powers whom they started worshipping as gods. With imagination, they constructed images of various gods controlling various natural phenomena and departments of nature. Thus was born the concept of multiplicity of gods. It is a strange coincidence that all ancient civilizations Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Mayan, Chinese, Indian, Greek and Roman worshipped multiple gods and goddesses