


How CCP is architecting a new world order

CCP is positioning itself not just as a regional power but as the central player in an emerging new world order. With every move, Beijing is sending a clear signal: the era of Western dominance is drawing to an end, and China's moment has arrived.

Strategic Signal

The presence of Chinese warships in the Tasman Sea, a relatively rare occurrence, has raised eyebrows in Australia and New Zealand.

Central authority has final say on reincarnation

Experts have stressed the role of the central government in the Tibetan Buddhism system of reincarnation, saying it's a historical convention that the reincarnation of the Dalai Lama and other living Buddhas is subject to approval of the country's central authority.

China foils proposal to legitimize AUKUS nuclear sub deal

During this week's General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia proposed an amendment to an IAEA safeguards resolution in an effort to legitimize their submarine deal in the context of the NPT.