


Trump must be isolated

After the public spat that President Donald Trump had with President Zelenskyy of Ukraine, a few facts emerge. The American dislikes the Ukrainian intensely.

US pauses aid to Ukraine, say reports

US President Donald Trump has paused all aid to Ukraine till as much time as it takes to determine President Volodymyr Zelensky's commitment to ending the war with Russia,

Risk management

Set against the backdrop of intensified geostrategic competition between the USA and China, however, this is an eventuality all countries and not just the dramatis personae must factor into their strategic calculus going ahead.

Great Helmsman~II

 Both China and India have witnessed such sector-specific high growth which propelled their economies into higher and rapid growth trajectories and lifted millions out of poverty, albeit creating huge inequality.

The world has stakes in Beijing outcomes

This Congress will be significant at the level of set precedence and principles as well. If President Xi is allowed to stay on, he will only be the second leader after Chairman Mao to have lasted longer than two terms.