


Ties with Kabul

‘Great Games’ was used to describe the fierce fight by rival powers for spheres of influence in the unforgiving swathes of South-Central Asia (modern day Afghanistan), at the crossroads of civilisations.

Great Games

The term “Great Games” (inspired by the French term Le grand jeu suggesting risk, chance and deception) was coined in the 19th century to frame the rivalry between the competing British and Russian Empires over dominating Asia.

Welfare to Work

Britain’s workforce crisis has reached alarming proportions, with millions trapped in a cycle of unemployment or underemployment.

Democracy Dismantled

The sentencing of 45 pro-democracy campaigners in Hong Kong under its controversial National Security Law signifies a turning point in the former British colony’s political and legal history.

Churchill and Gandhi~ II

In the summer of 1940 both Churchill and Gandhi knew that they were facing the most serious challenges of their lives. Churchill‘s mission was first to stop Hitler‘s aggression and then defeat him. For Gandhi, it was an unprecedented opportunity to prove to his own people and the world the efficacy of nonviolent satyagraha; to compel the British to grant independence to India and change the course of human history by proving righteousness and effectiveness of non-violent mass action to resolve conflicts

Numbers game

Demographic trends highlight the changing composition of British society due to factors such as its ageing population and immigration. The…

The Gritty Revolutionary

The month of August, to echo Sylvia Plath, is “the odd uneven time” as “the best of summer gone, and…