

BJP government

UP govt gears to amend law on Nazul Land in next legislature session

In the wake of the resistance not only from the Opposition but also from within the party, the BJP Government in Uttar Pradesh had to shelve the Nazul Property (Management and Use for Public Purposes) Bill-2024 at least till the next session despite having a majority in the Legislative Council

‘Health scam’ charges up political environs in HP amid COVID-19 crisis

Visibly, the ruling party Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is volte-face in HP over the whole episode since State BJP Chief and fine-time MLA, Rajeev Bindal resigned from the post on 27 May, a week after Director Health Services, Ajay Gupta was arrested over an audio-clip allegedly carrying conversation indicating bribe related to some purchase of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) kits.