


Pressure mounts on Bangladesh Home Affairs Advisor to resign

Jahangir Alam Chowdhury, the Home Affairs Advisor to the interim government in Bangladesh, on Monday played down the worsening law and order situation in the country, claiming that only few "minor incidents" have taken place and the security situation remains "satisfactory".

Nepalese students flee Bangladesh amid unrest

The ongoing unrest in Bangladesh has led to widespread protests, prompting students from India, Nepal, and other countries to return home through various Immigration Check Posts (ICPs), including Phulbari-Banglabandha near Siliguri.

India, Bangladesh border guards meet to resolve issues

With a view to resolve border issues in a friendly manner, sector commander level meetings between Border Security Force (BSF) and Bangladesh Border Guard (BGB) are carried out on a regular basis in the North Bengal Frontier of BSF.