

Artificial Intelligence

Is AI the Future of HR?

Within the quickly changing business technology landscape, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is beginning to change the game for Human Resources (HR) departments in various industries.

Building BRICS

Way back in 2012, Zbigniew Brezezzinski wrote about “the receding West” in his book Strategic Vision and argued that “the long-lasting political domination of the world by the West has been fading for some decades.”

Deep ecology, not shallow environmentalism needed

The current global climate emergencies and heartwrenching plight of a vast number of people in different countries and particularly India clearly demonstrate how far humanity has strayed from the wise counsel of our sages and seers of the past.

Society of the future a new paradigm

Two major social transformations are taking place throughout the world and especially in the US which would initiate profound and permanent changes in how human society evolves in the future. The first one is the LGBTQ+ movement. The second one is the invasion of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Let us first consider the ramifications of the LGBTQ+ movement.