

Artificial Intelligence

Taxing gatekeepers~I

By 2016-17, Facebook had designed a business model that aimed at maximising the ‘user engagement’, that is how much time users spent on their platform, and started collecting data on what they liked and shared.

AI initiatives~I

India is poised to march forward with artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and machine learning (ML) with data analytics in a cogent way. India and Japan have evinced interest in bilateral exercises on research in the area of robotics and Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV ).

AI calling

Most recently, the EU proposal for adoption of regulation on AI marked the first attempt to introduce a comprehensive legislative scheme governing AI.

Arms and the man

Researchers of the Max Planck Institute have been experimenting with a tiny robot that can swim through our body fluids, ultimately delivering a drug precisely in the target area. Integrating advanced computer technology with the vast experience of the skilled surgeon is a remarkable milestone in the history of medical science