


Many sides to the H1B visa debate

US President-elect Donald Trump is in an unusual position - trying to please both billionaire tech guys who fund his campaigns and his hard-core base. Immigration and the H1B visa have become contentious among Trump's core supporters and moderates.

Trump’s threat

The latest statement by US President-elect Donald Trump demanding that Brics nations pledge not to create or support a new currency to challenge the American dollar reflects growing apprehension about dedollarisation.

Tyranny of broligarchs

In his much-celebrated book, The Third Wave, futurist Alvin Toffler describes technology as “the dawn of a new civilisation”. Technology has made great strides, solving many of our problems.

Blow to Biden

It is an interesting parallel. In 1948, writes American political commentator and academic William A. Galston, US President Harry Truman was on the ropes. He was personally unpopular and faced breakaway candidates to his left (former Vice President Henry Wallace), and to his right (Strom Thurmond).

Car crazy

Americans are notoriously car dependent. Anecdotal evidence ranging from newspaper reports to memes on social media and the writings of that incomparable observer of societies Bill Bryson would suggest the American obsession with the automobile has reached possible disorder levels.